For those wondering if I'm doing any work, one or two more stories should be out later this week.
For those wondering what I do when I'm not working, you might remember that last February, Dana and I were up in El Alto with Habitat for Humanity. A few weeks ago, we helped inaugurate the completed 3-bedroom home for Martin and Lucia Huanca and their two children. Martin and Lucia are now responsible for making $25 monthly payments over the next 12-13 years to pay off the $4000 cost of the home. In a country where most people make less than $100/month, that's a substantial bill.
The volunteers on the project were all Americans associated with the U.S. embassy, which donated a pile of towels, sheets, and food to help stock the new home, one of the realtively few in the area with running water and electricity. Check out our group shot below. (Admiring comments on the high-quality brick work can be sent my way...)
Martin is second from the right (in baseball cap). His wife Lucia is wearing the blue v-cut sweater. Their children are in the middle.
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